SympleCyber: Click on one of the following topics to learn about SympleCyber and Governance Document Managment.
Netabin`s SympleCyber Repository app is designed to function as a cyber document library.
The application category is refered to as a Cybersecurity Governance Document Management System.
The types of cyber documents include policies, standards, guidlines, procedures, and run books.
The app can produce flexible, user driven cybersecurity self-assesment checklists, cybersecurity
implementation plans, and cybersecurity compliance policies, standards, guidelines, and procedures.
Netabin`s SympleCyber app is a web-enabled GUI interface for a NIST CSF-derived database.
SympleCyber runs on a LAMP stack (Linux/Apache2/MySql/PHP) that itself can be a virtual appliance.
The SympleCyber VM can run on the free Oracle Virtualbox virtual environment using a Windows host.
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Netabin Cybersecurity
19 Crosby Street #2
Augusta, ME 04330